cert_chain_resolver package


cert_chain_resolver.cli module

cert_chain_resolver.cli.cli(file_bytes: bytes, show_details: bool = False) None[source]

cert_chain_resolver.exceptions module

exception cert_chain_resolver.exceptions.CertificateChainResolverError[source]

Bases: Exception

exception cert_chain_resolver.exceptions.ImproperlyFormattedCert[source]

Bases: CertificateChainResolverError

exception cert_chain_resolver.exceptions.MissingCertProperty[source]

Bases: CertificateChainResolverError

cert_chain_resolver.models module

class cert_chain_resolver.models.Cert(x509_obj: Certificate)[source]

Bases: object

The Cert object, which is a convenience wrapper for interacting with the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object


x509_obj – An instance of cryptography.x509.Certificate


TypeError – given type is not an instance of cryptography.x509.Certificate

property ca_issuer_access_location: str | None

URL that contains the CA issuer certificate

property common_name: str

Extracted common name from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

export(encoding: Encoding = Encoding.PEM) str[source]

Export the cryptography.x509.Certificate object” as text


encoding (cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding, optional) – The output format. Defaults to Encoding.PEM.


ascii formatted

property fingerprint: str

ascii encoded sha256 fingerprint by calling get_fingerprint()

get_fingerprint(_hash: ~typing.Type[~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm] = <class 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256'>) str[source]

Get fingerprint of the certificate


_hash (cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes, optional) – Hasher to use. Defaults to hashes.SHA256.


hex representation of the fingerprint

property is_ca: bool

Checks whether the Certificate Authority bit has been set

property is_root: bool

Checks whether the certificate is a root

property issuer: str

RFC4515 formatted string of the issuer field from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

classmethod load(bytes_input: bytes) Cert[source]

Create a Cert object

:param bytes_input bytes PEM or DER:


ImproperlyFormattedCert <ImproperlyFormattedCert>

property not_valid_after: datetime.datetime

Date from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

property not_valid_before: datetime.datetime

Date from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

property serial: int

gets the serial from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

property signature_hash_algorithm: str

gets the signature hashing algorithm name from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

property subject: str

RFC4515 formatted string of the subject field from the underlying cryptography.x509.Certificate object

property subject_alternative_names: List[str]

Extracted x509 Extensions from the cryptography.x509.Certificate object



class cert_chain_resolver.models.CertificateChain(chain: CertificateChain | None | List[Cert] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Creates an iterable that contains a list of Cert objects.


chain – Create a new CertificateChain based on this chain. Defaults to None.

property intermediates: CertificateChain

A new CertificateChain object with only intermediate certificates

property leaf: Cert

in the chain. Also known as the ‘leaf’


First Cert

classmethod load_from_pem(input_bytes: bytes) CertificateChain[source]

Create a CertificateChain object from a PEM formatted file

property root: Cert | None

in the chain that can be identified as root or None if no root is present


Last Cert

cert_chain_resolver.resolver module

cert_chain_resolver.resolver.resolve(bytes_cert: bytes, _chain: CertificateChain | None = None) CertificateChain[source]

A recursive function that follows the CA issuer chain

  • bytes_cert – A DER/PKCS7/PEM certificate

  • _chain – Chain to complete. Defaults to None.


All resolved certificates in chain

cert_chain_resolver.utils module

cert_chain_resolver.utils.load_ascii_to_x509(bytes_input: bytes) Certificate[source]

Converts ASCII PKCS7 or Certificate to a cryptography.x509.Certificate object

cert_chain_resolver.utils.load_bytes_to_x509(bytes_input: bytes) Certificate[source]

Converts Certificate / PKCS7 in ASCII or DER to cryptography.x509.Certificate object

cert_chain_resolver.utils.load_der_to_x509(bytes_input: bytes) Certificate[source]

Converts bytes formatted DER (PKCS7 or Cert) to cryptography.x509.Certificate object

Module contents